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Interview preparation kit, Tree


  • Please refer here for LCA.

Is this a BST?

  • Thought: Given the property of BST, where root's value > max of left subtree but < min of right shubtree. So we descend down the whole tree and check the property recursively. For more information, please check the comment part of the code.
  • Analysis:
    • Time complexity: O(N), where N is the nodes of given tree.
    • Spacee complexity: O(N), where N is the nodes of given tree. or O(1) if the tree itself does not taken into account.
      bool checkBST(Node* root) 
          if(root == NULL)
             return true; 
          int lsub_max = 0, rsub_min = INT_MAX;
          sub_treemax(root -> left, lsub_max);
          sub_treemin(root -> right, rsub_min);
          if(root -> data <= lsub_max) // violates the property
              return false;
          if(root -> data >= rsub_min) // violates the property
              return false;
          return checkBST(root -> left) && checkBST(root -> right) ; // descend and recursively checking the whole tree
      void sub_treemax(Node* root, int& sub_max)
          if(root == NULL)
          sub_max = max(root -> data, sub_max);
          sub_treemax(root -> left, sub_max);
          sub_treemax(root -> right, sub_max);
      void sub_treemin(Node* root, int& sub_min)
          if(root == NULL)
          sub_min = min(root -> data, sub_min);
          // printf("data %d, submin update to %d\n", root -> data, sub_min);
          sub_treemin(root -> left, sub_min);
          sub_treemin(root -> right, sub_min);

Height of Binary Tree

  • Thought: Dig, traverse until the leaf node and update the height
  • Analysis:
    • Time complexity: O(N), where N is the nodes of given tree.
    • Spacee complexity: O(N), where N is the nodes of given tree. or O(1) if the tree itself does not taken into account.
    int height(Node* root) 
        return dfs(root, 0);
    int dfs(Node* root, int cur_depth)
        return root == NULL ? cur_depth - 1 : max(dfs(root -> left, cur_depth + 1), dfs(root -> right, cur_depth + 1));

Huffman Decoding

  • Thought:

    • Step 1. Iterate throught the encoded string
    • Step 2. Move according to the encoded string and update the position of iteration
    • Step 3. Return the result once reach the leaf node and concatenate the new character
  • Analysis, assume the alphabet in the leaf are N (i.e. N symbols are constructed to form the huffman tree):

    • Time complexity: O(NlogN), since we decode O(N) symbols at most, and each symbols takes O(logN) time to decode (descend the tree), thus total time complexity being O(NlogN).
      char descend_tree(node* root, string decoded, const string& encoded, int& encoded_pos)
          if(root -> left == NULL && root ->right == NULL) // Step 3.
              return root -> data;
          if(encoded[encoded_pos] == '0') // goes left (Step 2.)
              return descend_tree(root -> left, decoded, encoded, encoded_pos);
          else // goes right (Step 2.)
              return descend_tree(root -> right, decoded, encoded, encoded_pos);
      void decode_huff(node * root, string s) 
          int n = s.size();
          string final_res(""); 
          for (int i = 0; i < n;) // Step 1.
              final_res += descend_tree(root, "", s, i);
          cout << final_res << '\n';