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leetcode_OJ WC146 Report and some notes

These days I usually write the solution report on leetcode official website more than my own github website, serving as a path to communicate with pro algorithmic coders and exchange the ideas throughout the world.

PA. 1128. Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs

  • Approach: Use pair and let the smaller value always at the front, then C(i, 2) for combinations of 2 in i same dominoes group
  • Analysis:
    • Time complexity: O(N)
    • Space complexity: O(N) for storing the results
      class Solution {
          int numEquivDominoPairs(vector<vector<int>>& d) 
              int res = 0, n = d.size();
              map<pair<int, int>, int> m;
              for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                  if(d[i][0] > d[i][1])
                      m[make_pair(d[i][1], d[i][0])]++;                
                      m[make_pair(d[i][0], d[i][1])]++;                
              auto it = m.begin();
              while(it != m.end())
                  if(it -> second > 1)
                      res += (it -> second) * (it -> second - 1) / 2 ;
              return res;

PB. 1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors

Click here for the post

PC. 1130. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values

Click here for the post

PD. 1131. Maximum of Absolute Value Expression

Click here fot the post