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leetcode_OJ WC93 解題心得

  • Contest time: Jul 15, 2018

PA. 868. Binary Gap 簡單雙指標

  • 思路:直接解即可,用雙指標測量兩個鄰近的1的距離(不一定要相鄰,題目解說有點不清楚),其中的to_binary是實用的數字轉二進位字串的方法。
  • 分析 Time complexity = O(N), Space complexity (with auxilary string structure to store the binary number) = O(N)
#define FORI(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
class Solution
    int binaryGap(int num)
        string binstr = to_binary(num);
        int maxd = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < binstr.size() - 1; i++)
            if(binstr[i] == '1')
                for(int j = i + 1; j < binstr.size(); j++)
                    if(binstr[j] == '1')
                        maxd = max(maxd, j - i);
                        i = j;
        return maxd;
    string to_binary(int num)
        string res;
            if(num & 1)
                res += "1";
                res += "0";
            num /= 2;
        reverse(res.begin(), res.end());
        return res;

PB. 869. Reordered Power of 2 STL活用

  • 題意:一個數字的各個位數,經過排列組合(包括不重排)後,其組合是否有可能成為二的次方,例如46重排變成64則符合,1232不管怎排都不行
  • 思路:
    • 先將已經是二的倍數,不需重排的直接回傳true。
    • 接著進入while迴圈將每一位數push進入vector中,用algorithm std中的next_permutation排出所有可能,再把它串起來,以.c_str(),加上atoi的方式傳入is_pow2判斷,若有符合則直接回傳true,最後都沒有則回傳false。
    • num & (num - 1) == 0 的話就是二的次方,挺實用的,大家可以透過二進位制想一下為什麼
  • 分析 Time complexity = O(logN!??)(不確定,待確認,希望有先進能賜教,總覺得不太可能到fraction,不然沒有機會ac), Space complexity (with auxilary string structure to store the number) = O(N)
    #define pb push_back
    class Solution
        bool reorderedPowerOf2(int num)
            if(num >= 1 && num <=10)
                    return true;
                return false;
            else if(is_pow2(num)) //original order
                return true;
            vector<int> dgt;
                dgt.pb(num % 10);
                num /= 10;
            sort(dgt.begin(), dgt.end());
            int sz = dgt.size(), judge = 0;
            string str;
            do {
                str = "";
                for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                    str += (dgt[i] + '0');
                cout << str <<endl;
                judge = atoi(str.c_str());
                    return true;
            }while(next_permutation(dgt.begin(), dgt.end()));
            return false;
        bool is_pow2(int num)
            if((num & (num - 1)) == 0 )
                return true;
            return false;

PC.870. Advantage Shuffle 貪心算法

  • 題解請見此(雙語版本同步刊載於討論區)

PD. 871. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops priority_queue回溯法

  • 題意: 給定目標距離與最初的汽油量,其中加油站會在某些距離,經過的時候可以將加油的汽油全部移轉過來,此時加油站的汽油將會用罄(全有全無),並且一公里的行車會消耗汽油一公升(油耗真爛?),問找出最少家由次數同時又能抵達目標,若無法則回傳-1
  • WA思路: 這題當下沒有解出只有WA,看了提示解出,比較難。以下是原本錯誤的作法
    • 首先每一次都盡量走到最遠的加油站。
    • 再看當前可以找(也就是距離station position - my position <= current gas fuel)的加油站中,能補充最多的(包括往回走)
    • 但貪心算法忽略了: 如果走來這裡前,事先補充過幾個加油站,雖會造成加油次數變多,但也可能更遠,例如 target = 200 startFuel = 100, stations = [[10, 60],[100, 80]],錯誤算法會先走到 100 加油站 之後又逆回10加油站去加油 導致最後汽油量變成50(80-(100-10)+60) 哪都不能去
    • 缺失分析: 實際上,上方的第三點想法是錯的,因為根本不是用回去加油的方法,而是走到此,再加上"當初如果經過該加油站所能延伸的距離"
wrong answer testcase102 : 1000
class Solution
    int minRefuelStops(int target, int startFuel, vector<vector<int>>& stations)
        if(startFuel >= target)
            return 0;
        else if(stations.size() == 0)
            return (startFuel >= target) ? 0 : -1;
        int dp[500][500] = {0}, cur_fuel = startFuel, car_pos = 0, refuel = 0;

        int best_choice = 0, max_refuel = 0, stations_pos = 0, can_reach_next = 1;
        int closest_next_pos = 0, closest_next_dist = INT_MAX;
        while (1)
            printf("car_pos %d fuel_now %d \n",car_pos, cur_fuel);
            if(car_pos + cur_fuel >= target || car_pos >= target) //should have the highest priority
                printf("reach target!\n");
            can_reach_next = 0;//search the next, closest stations to go, reachable or not (check the requirement of break if unreachable)
            closest_next_pos = 0;
            closest_next_dist = INT_MAX;
            for(int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++)
                if(abs(stations[i][0] - car_pos) < closest_next_dist && stations[i][1] > 0 /*still useable*/)
                    closest_next_dist = stations[i][0];
                    closest_next_pos = i;

            if(stations[closest_next_pos][0] - car_pos > cur_fuel || closest_next_dist == INT_MAX)//unracehable with current fuel
                printf("unreachable to all\n");
                return -1;

            max_refuel = stations_pos = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) //find all reachable stations with max fuel to refill
                if(/*stations[i][0] - car_pos >= 0*/cur_fuel >= abs(stations[i][0] - car_pos)/*reachable with current fuel*/&& stations[i][1] > max_refuel /*bigger fuel slot*/)
                    printf("i %d i0 %d i1 %d ok \n", i, stations[i][0], stations[i][1]);
                    max_refuel = stations[i][1];
                    stations_pos = i;
            cur_fuel -= abs(stations[stations_pos][0] - car_pos); //drive
            car_pos = stations[stations_pos][0]; //reach
            cur_fuel += stations[stations_pos][1]; //refill
            // stations[stations_pos][0] = INT_MAX; //marked such station as used to prevent duplicate using
            stations[stations_pos][1] = 0; //used out such fuel
            printf("select stations_pos %d, car_pos is now %d, car_fuel is now %d \n",stations_pos, car_pos, cur_fuel);
        return refuel;
  • 改正後 AC思路: 採用 priority_queue優先隊列回溯
    • 首先一直走
    • 直到在某個加油站停下時,燃料已經呈現負債,這時候回溯之前走過的加油站,依據優先隊列先找出最多油量的加油站。
    • 途中若 當前的位置加上汽油量足以走到終點 則直接跳出回傳結果(另外,若回溯也無法補足負債的燃料,代表無論如何都找不到,因為即便加了油也無法前進,代表到不了target),
      • 走完所有加油站後若還沒有到終點,則繼續回溯之前走過的加油站,最後在一樣看 當前的位置加上汽油量足以走到終點 決定是否回傳-1。
    • 自己跑過一便會想得比較清楚,例如方才的target = 200 startFuel = 100, stations = [[10, 60],[100, 80]] 首先一路走到尾端 此時油量剩下0 位置在100,開始回溯 首先將[100, 80]pop 出來,代表我如果在100加油可以再從100走80,得到180,此時加油次數1;再來將[10, 60]pop 出來,代表我 當初如果 有在10加油,我可以更再延伸60KM,於是能走到240
    • 改進概念: 走到後發現沒油,回溯不是直接走去該加油站,而是加上該加油站我當初如果走過,會再延伸多少。
  • 分析: Time complexity O(N log N) (log N for priority_queue structure maintenance, heap), Space complexity O(N), (the priority_queue)
  • 心得: 這題讓我學會客製化優先隊列的寫法,因為要自訂上面是最大的所以寫了compare 裡面要放operator多載才可以用,不然會有priority_queue argument的compile error (詳情可以自行google,我也是查過才發現這個新寫法)
AC version, try using the priority queue. we keep traversing through the stations without refuling, that means try our best with current fuel.
Once we traverse to a gas station with the negative fuel,
we refill the tank with the gas station we have visited before(pushed in to the traversed_stations priority queue)
to check if we can reach even further if we refueled before using the retroactive method.
Please try the following testcases for understanding how the code runs
class Solution
    struct mycompare
        bool operator()(pair<int ,int>&p1, pair<int ,int>&p2) //pair first for station position and second for how much gas does a staion hace
            return p1.second < p2.second; //sort descending to get the largest element first
    int minRefuelStops(int target, int startFuel, vector<vector<int>>& stations)
        if(stations.size() == 0)
            return (startFuel >= target) ? 0 : -1;
        priority_queue<pair<int ,int>, vector<pair<int ,int>>, mycompare> traversed_stations; //logN query
        int cur_fuel = startFuel, car_pos = 0, has_chance_to_refuel = 1, refuel = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++)
            cur_fuel -= (stations[i][0] - car_pos);
            if(car_pos + cur_fuel >= target)
            while(!traversed_stations.empty() && cur_fuel < 0) //traverse to certain gas station but we ran out of fuel, that we have to trace back to see if we can refuel before
                cur_fuel +=;
            if(cur_fuel < 0)
                return -1;
            car_pos = stations[i][0];
            traversed_stations.push(make_pair(stations[i][0], stations[i][1]));;
            has_chance_to_refuel = 0;
        //if hasn't reach the target yet
        while(!traversed_stations.empty() && car_pos + cur_fuel < target) //traverse to certain gas station but we ran out of fuel, that we have to trace back to see if we can refuel before
            cur_fuel +=;
            // car_pos =;

        return (car_pos + cur_fuel >= target) ? refuel : -1; //able to reach the target destination or not
