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leetcode_OJ WC76 解題心得

  • Contest time: Mar 18, 2018

PA. 800. Similar RGB Color 麻煩的水題

如題目所述,會需要用到一些位元運算,因此稍嫌麻煩,居然寫了一個多小時才寫出來。 中途還被變更的題說明耍了一道,而且題目說明根本說錯了gg。

cti itc 可以在十六進位和char互相轉換,頗為方便。而stringstream可以把字串在視為輸入處理一次轉成十六盡位在輸入給整數。

#define FORI(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
#include <cstdlib>
class Solution
    int cti(char c)
        if ( '0'<=c && c<='9' ) return c-'0';
        else return 10+c-'a';
    char itc(int i)
        if (0<=i && i<=9) return '0'+i;
        else return 'a'+i-10;
    string similarRGB(string color)
        int dist = 0, best = 99999999;
        int original = 0;
        color = color.substr(1,6);
        stringstream ss;

        int R,G,B,nr,ng,nb,nr1,ng1,nb1;
        string sr,sg,sb;

        R=original & 0xff0000;
        G=original & 0xff00;
        B=original & 0xff;

        //find smallest R
        for(int i = 0;i < 16;i++)
            nr = i<<4 | i;
                best = abs(nr-R);
                nr = i;
                sr += itc(i);
        //fins smallest G
        best = 99999999;
        for(int i = 0;i < 16;i++)
            ng = i<<4 | i;
                best = abs(ng-G);
                ng = i;
                sg += itc(i);
        //find smallest B
        best = 99999999;
        for(int i = 0;i < 16;i++)
            nb = i<<4 | i;
                best = abs(nb-B);
                nb = i;
                sb += itc(i);

        return "#"+sr+sr+sg+sg+sb+sb;

PB.801. Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing 動態規劃

從題目的性質可以看出,每一個階段均要不斷求解這個階段是否要交換(重疊子問題),以符合嚴格遞增的序列。 但是在每一個遞增中,如果每一個元素和它前一個元素都符合嚴格增(最優子結構),那麼整個數列也會是一個嚴格增。 此外,如果本來就符合嚴格增,就不用擔心,或是因為之前的交換(至i-1)而導致第i個需要替換,便需要檢查此次是否要換,也就是向前檢查到前一個。 因此既有符合重疊子問題,又有最優子結構,那就是動態規劃試用的範圍囉 參考連結:什麼時候用動態規劃演算法
出題者解析 解析的翻譯翔見程式碼中的註解

#define FORI(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
class Solution {
    int minSwap(vector<int>& A, vector<int>& B)
        int sz = A.size();
        vector<int> swap(sz, INT_MAX),unswap(sz, INT_MAX);
        //calculating the step of swapped or not till this place.
        unswap[0] = 0;
        swap[0] = 1;

        for(int i = 1;i < sz;i++)
            if(A[i - 1] < A[i] && B[i - 1] < B[i])
                unswap[i] = min(unswap[i - 1], unswap[i]);
                //如果不要替換,就是依然維持跟上一次一樣的未替換數字(這一次是intmax 所以一定會取到較小的)

                swap[i] = min(swap[i - 1] + 1, swap[i]);

            //若是這種交叉符合形,則i或是i-1位置可以有一個必要被替換,也就是i, i-1會有遞增形成。(這種意思就是說,因為A B的『雙重符合』遞增在此被打斷了』
            //因為被打斷,勢必得利用交換其中一個,例如將i or i-1 其中之一各自替換即可。
            if(A[i - 1] < B[i] && B[i - 1] < A[i])
                unswap[i] = min(unswap[i], swap[i - 1]);
                //也就是討論串裡面所說的:the cost n2 of having a legal sequence up to column i that ends with column i not flipped, is going //to be the cost s1 of having a legal sequence up to column i-1 that ends in column i-1 flipped

                swap[i] = min(unswap[i - 1] + 1, swap[i]);
                //如果要替換這一個,才能讓整個數列嚴格增,那就代表先前到i-1都要是持續嚴格增,因此從這裡開始替換就是算先前沒替換但這個有替換,所以是從unswap + 1
        return min(swap[sz - 1], unswap[sz - 1]);


PC. 802. Find Eventual Safe States 圖論經典題,查找環以及可能觸及環之所有點

利用一個資料結構來儲存所有點的類型 -1代表尚未處理 0代表不在環上,或是不可能觸及到他人的環 1代表是環的一部分 優化只尋找還沒處理過得點,其他再把標記為0的點,放到結果裡面。
但依然優化不夠TLE:( 先放置吧
Wrong Answer 37/111 複雜的暴力作法,還會錯
TLE 81/111 提早跳出,但依然TLE
以下代碼優化到 101/111 但依然TLE了 先『精神』ac一下。 代碼邏輯見註解

#define FORI(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i)
class Solution
    vector<int> res, visited, in_cycle;
    vector<int> eventualSafeNodes(vector<vector<int>>& graph)
        fill(in_cycle.begin(), in_cycle.end(), -1); //-1 for unprocessed, 1 for in cycle and 0 for not in cycle
            if(in_cycle[i] == -1) //if this node is not the terminal node
                if(graph[i].size()) //the node which unsure in a node should be processed, otherwiswe, just dont do
                    fill(visited.begin(), visited.end(), 0);
                    // cout<<"Start from "<<i<<endl;
                    if(!dfs(i, i, graph, 0))
                        in_cycle[i] = 0;
                    in_cycle[i] = 0;
        // cout<<" is in_cycle ";
            if(in_cycle[i] == 0)
            // cout<<in_cycle[i]<<" ";
        return res;
    bool dfs(int cur_node, int start, vector<vector<int>> graph,int step)
        // cout<<" DFS to "<<cur_node<<endl;
        // cout<<" is in_cycle ";
            cout<<in_cycle[i]<<" ";
        // cout<<endl;
        if(in_cycle[cur_node] == 1)
            // cout<<"Hit a node that causes cycle "<<endl;
            return true;
        else if(in_cycle[cur_node] == 0)  //reach the node that will not form a cycle, which is safe
            return false;
        if(visited[cur_node] == 1) //visit the visited node again, that is a cycle
            // cout<<"Hit a node that visited before, CYCLE CONFIRMED!! now cur_node is "<<cur_node<<endl;
            in_cycle[cur_node] = 1;
            return true;

        visited[cur_node] = 1;
        FORI(graph[cur_node].size()) //search the next node that can be traversed from the current node
            //if this node will connect to its neighbor that forms a circle, than cur_node will be treated as circle-hazard as well
            if(dfs(graph[cur_node][i], start, graph, step + 1))
                in_cycle[cur_node] = 1;
                // cout<<"Node "<<cur_node<<" connect to "<<i<<" that forms a cycle "<<endl;
                return true;
        visited[cur_node] = 0; //if next traverse meet the terminal, it does not count as meet before that form a cycle since terminal is OK to meet again
        in_cycle[cur_node] = 0;//this node is terminal since the aforementioned FORI wont get in, so this is the node with output degree zero
        return false;